
We provide opinions:
- the possibility of fulfilling technical and organisational conditions when working with explosives intended for civilian use (Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 25 November 2002 on institutions issuing opinions on the possibility of fulfilling technical and organisational conditions when working with explosives intended for civilian use (Journal of Laws [Dz. U.] No. 203, item 1716 )) with regard to: Acquisition and storage of explosives in connection with economic or scientific activities, excluding economic activities in the field of exploration or recognition of mineral deposits, extraction of minerals from deposits, tankless storage of substances and storage of waste in the rock mass, including in underground mine workings.
- The possibility of fulfilling technical and organisational conditions during the manufacture and trading of explosives,, weapons, ammunition and products and technology for military or police use (Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 21 February 2002, Journal of Laws [Dz. U.] No. 19, item 193) in the scope of: Manufacture and trade in explosives, ammunition and products for military or police use containing explosives, as well as related technologies.
Our specialists will answer all your questions.
Feel free to contact us.
Rafał Lewczuk, PhD, Eng
e-mail: Telephone: +48 22 88 41 365

We provide expertise and training in the analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Our specialists will answer all your questions.
Feel free to contact us.
Anna Kiełczewska, MSc
Telephone: +48 22 88 41 295

- Issuing opinions on the applicability of materials/products in explosive hazard zones
and in areas where protection against static electricity is required for other reasons,
such as in the electronics industry (ESD protection in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN 61340-5-1). - Consulting in the design and implementation of antistatic protection systems, such as the
selection and antistatic modification of materials. - Verification of the effectiveness of existing antistatic protection measures (e.g., control
testing of the electrical resistance of floors) in areas designated as explosion hazard zones.
Such verification is required at least once a year in accordance with PN-E-05204:1994. - Consultations on failures caused by static electricity phenomena.
Our specialists will answer all your questions.
Feel free to contact us.
Małgorzata Wróblewska-Piórkowska, MSc
e-mail: Telefon: +48 22 88 41 350
- Consultancy related to the preparation of dossiers for the registration of biocidal products:
Our specialists will answer all your questions.
Feel free to contact us.
Katarzyna Drożdżewska, PhD
e-mail: Telephone: +48 22 88 41 377
Classification certificates

- We offer classification of dangerous goods in transport, including pyrotechnic articles,
according to ADR/RID and IMDG regulations. Issuing of Issuance of Classification
Certificates and Classification Approval Certificates (pyrotechnic articles);
Our specialists will answer all your questions.
Feel free to contact us.
Michał Frączak, MSc
e-mail: Telephone: +48 22 88 41 350
- Based on tests conducted in the accredited laboratory, we issue, among other things,
transport certificates, prepare safety data sheets, issue statements on the suitability
of materials/products for use in explosive hazard zones, and provide opinions and expertise
in the field of chemical safety for the industry.
Our specialists will answer all your questions.
Feel free to contact us.
Małgorzata Wróblewska-Piórkowska, MSc
e-mail: Telephone: +48 22 88 41 373