Adaptation of the first floor of the auxiliary building for laboratory and office space

Dotacje celowe

Project co-financed from a special purpose grant awarded by the Minister of Education and Science for the implementation of an investment related to scientific activities
Title: “Adaptation of a floor of an auxiliary building for laboratory and office space”

Total project value: PLN 3,835,562.44
Grant value: PLN 3,758,851.20
Date of signing the grant agreement: 25.08.2023

Project description: The development of research methods, as well as the planned increase in the number of services in Łukasiewicz – IPO Branch in Pszczyna, requires the creation of a new space for employees conducting research and development work. In addition, the implementation of the project will enable the creation of rooms in which it will be possible to place diagnostic equipment necessary to conduct research in the required standards in the field of toxicology, ecotoxicology and the fate and behavior of chemical substances in the environment.


We are exhibiting 
Łukasiewicz - IPO

We are happy to announce that Łukasiewicz – IPO will participate in The SOT 64th Annual

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