Chemical safety – required wherever hazardous substances and mixtures occur – in production, transport, storage and use.
Our offer:
Preparation and updating of safety data sheets for chemical substances and mixtures according to CLP;
Classification of dangerous goods in transport, including pyrotechnic articles, according to ADR/RID and IMDG regulations. Issuing of Issuance of Classification Certificates and Classification Approval Certificates (pyrotechnic articles);
Physicochemical testing of hazardous materials;
Testing the antistatic properties of materials and products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and where protection against static electricity is required for other reasons, e.g. protection of electronic devices;
Consultancy relating to the preparation of dossiers for the registration of biocidal products;
Extensive range of TG/DSC thermal analysis studies;
Expertise – Consultancy – Advice.
List of tests performed in the laboratory:
Physical-chemical testing
Determination of vapor pressures of substances using static method
OECD 104
Testing corrosive effects on metals: a test for determining the corrosive properties of liquids and solids that may become liquid during transport
Manual of Tests and Criteria, Seventh revised edition ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2019 – Section 37 Classification procedures, test methods and criteria relating to substances corrosive to metals, Test C.1.
Determination of oxidising properties of solids
Test UN O.1
Determination of oxidizing properties of liquids
Test UN O.2
Determination of the auto-ignition temperature of substances (liquids and gases)
PN-EN ISO/IEC 80079-20-1:2020-03
Flammability – solid
Test UN N.1
Determination of flash point by the Pensky-Martens closed-cup method
PN-EN ISO 2719:2016
Determination of flash point by the Abel closed-cup method
PN-EN ISO 13736:2021
Determination of ignition or non-ignition and flash point temperature using a rapid equilibrium method in a closed crucible
EC A.2 OECD 103
Determination of the boiling temperature of substances by DSC and TG methods
PN-EN ISO 3679:2023
Determining specific heat by DSC method
OECD 114
Contact: Michał Frączak, MSc Head of Chemical Safety and Static Electricity Laboratory