Chemical Storage Facility

Dotacje celowe

The project is co-financed from a special purpose subsidy granted by the Minister of Science  for the implementation of investments related to scientific activities.

Project title: “Chemical Storage Facility”

Total project value: PLN 692,579.79 
Grant value: PLN 657,950.79
Implementation period: 2024 – 2025


Project description:  The project involves the purchase and installation of a modern chemical storage facility for the Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry in Warsaw. The Institute conducts advanced research and develops a range of chemical technologies that utilize various chemical substances.  
The new storage facility, equipped with advanced fire protection systems, will enhance workplace safety and environmental protection. This investment will enable the safe storage of chemicals and waste in accordance with the latest standards, safeguarding the health of employees  and the surrounding environment.


We are exhibiting 
Łukasiewicz - IPO

We are happy to announce that Łukasiewicz – IPO will participate in The SOT 64th Annual

chrząszcze, białe tło

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