Construction of a laboratory rolling mill room

Dotacje celowe

Project co-financed by a special purpose grant awarded by the Minister of Science And Higher Education for an investment related to scientific activities
Title: ‘Construction of a laboratory rolling mill room’.

Total project value: PLN 484,059.21
Grant value: PLN 459 856.25
Implementation period: 2024 – 2025

Project description: The project involves the construction of a container room for a laboratory rolling mill, together with ventilation and electrical installations, at Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry in Warsaw. The rolling mill is a key component of the technological line for the production of multi-base propellants. The construction of this room will enable the completion of the laboratory production line, which will accelerate R&D work for the defence industry.


We are exhibiting 
Łukasiewicz - IPO

We are happy to announce that Łukasiewicz – IPO will participate in The SOT 64th Annual

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