Development of flare and flare firing cartridge technology in accordance with meeting STANAG 4687 requirements for passive defence of manned aerial platforms


Project title: Development of flare technology and a flare firing cassette in accordance STANAG 4687 for the passive defence of manned aerial platforms.

Project objectives: Development of an aircraft passive defence system consisting of an aerial thermal flare technology demonstrator and a cassette for handling and firing.
The end result of the work is: a prototype of an aerial thermal flare; a prototype of a cassette; technical documentation of the aerial thermal flare and cassette; and a test rig for evaluating the performance of thermal flares.

Project value: PLN 13,471,494

Grant value: 13 471 494 PLN

Implementation period: 2012 – 2021

Project financed by National Centre for Research and Development , in the field of scientific research or development work for defence and national security.

Project implemented as part of a consortium:

-Air Force Institute of Technology – Leader

– Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry

– Boryszew S.A


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