Project title: Development of technology for the production of high-quality, consumer-safe fruits and vegetables using new biopreparations in crop protection against diseases
Acronym: BioSafeFood
Project objectives: The main objective of the project is to develop safe biopreparations to protect fruit and vegetable crops against the most important infectious diseases. These preparations will be an important component of new technologies taking into account the possibilities of integrating pro-ecological methods with the chemical method. The project assumptions are consistent with the current priorities of the European Union aimed at producing fruits and vegetables without residues of chemical plant protection products and reducing the risk of environmental pollution.
Project value:: 4 955 076,88 PLN
Grant value: 4 357 885,78 PLN
Implementation period:: 01.07.2018 – 31.10.2023
– National Institute of Horticultural Research – lleader
– Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry Branch Pszczyna
– Intermag Ltd.