Ecological solid rocket propellants for control actuation systems


Project title: Ecological solid rocket propellants for control actuation systems

Project objectives: Development of environmentally friendly solid rocket propellants for gas-generators in rocket/missile control actuation systems.

Planned effects:

On the basis of laboratory tests and estimations of thermochemical and thermodynamic properties, a technology for the formation of an ecological propellant charge will be developed.

Project value: PLN 1,259,962

Grant value: PLN 1,259,962

Implementation period: 2018-2021

Project financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the programme of scientific research for defence and national security entitled ‘Future technologies for defence – competition of young scientists’.

Project manager:

  1. Katarzyna Gańczyk-Specjalska, PhD

High – Energy Materials Research Group

tel. 22 88 41 306


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