

Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to inform you that there is an opportunity to present your company during the IPOEX 2024 conference

as part of the promotion of the company we offer:

Package I * (stand + presentation + advertisement):

* Beneficiaries of the package obtain the status of Conference Partner

– possibility of setting up a small stand (self-build),

– company presentation of up to 15 minutes during the conference,

– 1-page A5 colour ad in conference materials,

– company logo on poster + information on conference website.

Cost of PLN 4,000 net

Package II (‘advertisement’)

– 1-page A5 colour ad in conference materials,

Costs of PLN 1,200 net

Package III (leaflets)

– distribution of company leaflets

Cost of PLN 500 net

We also do not exclude other forms of promotion, any other suggestions from your side will be considered by the conference organiser.

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