Title projektu: Modern Propellant Gas Generators (PAC-M+)
Project Objective: To develop a new generation of propellant gas-generator charge that will provide a stable gas supply to on-board power generators feeding the control unit of an anti-aircraft missile system. The end result of the project will be a developed prototype of the propellant charge at the IX level of technological readiness, which can be manufactured in Polish industrial enterprises.
Project value: PLN 2,901,748
Grant value: PLN 2,901,748
Implementation period: 2021-2024
The project is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the competition for the execution and financing of projects in the area of scientific research or development work for national defence and security as part of the programme entitled ‘Development of modern, groundbreaking technologies serving security and defence’ pk. ‘SZAFIR’.
Project implemented as part of a consortium:
– Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry – Leader
– Special Production Plant ‘GAMRAT’ Ltd.
Project manager: Tomasz Wolszakiewicz, PhD Eng
High Energy Materials Research Group
tel. 603 299 942