Project Title: Promotion of Research Services Offered by IPO Branch in Pszczyna Abroad
The aim of the project is to establish new business contacts and acquire a new sales market for the services offered by the IPO Branch in Pszczyna. As part of the project, the IPO Branch in Pszczyna will participate in industry fairs in Europe, Asia and America, international economic missions and training courses discussing various aspects of expanding operations to foreign markets.
The project is part of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007–2013, Priority Axis 6: Polish Economy on the International Market, Measure 6.5: Promotion of the Polish Economy, Sub-measure 6.5.2: Support for Entrepreneurs’ Participation in Promotion Programmes.
Total project value: PLN 554 879,88
Grant value: PLN 363 287,57
Implementation period:: 20.04.2012 – 30.11.2014
Project Manager:,
Tel. 32 210 30 81 ext. 124