We are pleased to announce that Rafał Bogusz, MSc. Eng. and Katarzyna Gańczyk-Specjalska, PhD Eng. have been selected as External Experts in the Space Launch Systems Section of the Committee on Space and Satellite Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the 2023–2026 term. This is a great honor for our experts, who proudly represent our knowledge and expertise.
Our experts will support the general initiatives of the Committee and participate in reviewing recommendations regarding the development of launch systems within national and European programs.We are pleased to have joined the renowned group of experts and will have the opportunity to cooperate with such entities as the Air Force
Institute of Technology, Łukasiewicz – Institute of Aviation, MESKO S.A., PIT-RADWAR S.A., Warsaw University of Technology, POLSA Polish Space Agency, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A., SpaceForest, Military University of Technology, Military Institute of Armament Technology and ZPS GAMRAT Sp. z o.o.
We encourage you to follow our activities and join the discussion on the future of rocket technology and launch systems. Together with our experts, we aim to reach new heights in Polish and European space!