SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting

2024-05-05 12:00


The SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, held from May 5 to 9, brought together over 3,000 scientists from various fields, including biologists, chemists, and biotechnologists, as well as representatives from business and government sectors. They presented the latest research, exchanged ideas, and discussed challenges related to the protection of the natural environment. We couldn’t miss such an event!

In addition to showcasing our research services at the booth, experts from Łukasiewicz – IPO Branch in Pszczyna presented two posters, highlighting the results of research on seasonal changes in phytoplankton biodiversity in artificial water reservoirs used in mesocosm studies and the effect of deltamethrin, an active substance of plant protection products, on the ability of bees to return to the hive.

The conference aims to draw attention to the demand for new, science-based solutions to many of the challenges we face. Cutting-edge approaches to environmental protection should consider related issues of environmental safety, sustainability, and strategies for addressing chemical pollution. The global dimension of SETAC and its commitment to cross-sector collaboration and communication among stakeholders from academic, industrial, and regulatory backgrounds provide a suitable platform for discussing environmental issues.

SETAC’s global dimension and its commitment to multi-sectoral collaboration and communication between stakeholders from academia, industry and regulation provides a suitable platform for discussion of environmental issues.


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