XXIII Scientific and Technical Conference “KONTRA 2024”

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2024-10-09 9:00


On October 9-11, 2024, the XXIII Scientific and Technical Conference “KONTRA 2024” devoted to the durability of buildings and protection of structures against corrosion was held. The aim of the meeting of scientists and designers was to present the latest material and technological solutions as well as the results of theoretical and experimental research in the broadly understood field of durability of buildings.

The poster “Durability and change of parameters of conductive antistatic concrete floors in long-term operating periods”, which we co-authored together with the Gdańsk University of Technology, was met with great interest from the participants. We presented the results of research on the impact of operating conditions and material degradation on the conductive properties of floors.

We emphasized how important it is to monitor these parameters, especially in the context of safety in industry, where antistatic floors play a key role. The exchange of experiences and discussions on the latest technological and material solutions enriched our view of the topic.

It was a great opportunity to exchange experiences with other experts from the industry. Thank you all for the valuable conversations and inspiration!


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