MSc Lucyna Kowalczyk

MScLucyna Kowalczyk

smart and clean mobility smart and clean mobility

Area Leader

Head of the Łukasiewicz – IPO Branch in Pszczyna

A graduate of the Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Management, with a specialization in Management Processes, and postgraduate studies at the University of Applied Computer Science and Management in Warsaw in the field of Innovative management of the R&D system in research institutions. For twenty years, she has been professionally connected with the Institute’s Branch in Pszczyna. Her main responsibilities include overseeing the formal aspects of the commercialization of toxicological and ecotoxicological research conducted at the Branch, as well as promotional activities. Since March 2019, she has been serving as the Head of the Branch. Privately, she is a licensed yacht skipper.

Head of the Łukasiewicz – IPO Branch in Pszczyna

Completed projects :

  • Promotion of research services of IPO Pszczyna Branch outside Poland, POIG 2007 - 2013
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