

June 16-18, 2025

  • Chemistry and technology of explosive materials;
  • Research of explosives;
  • Explosives application in the army, mining and materials engineering;
  • Safety aspects of manufacturing process;
  • Utilization of explosives;
  • Blasting technique;
  • Blasting works safety in mining;
  • Regulations of production, transport, storage, and use of explosives.

dr hab. inż. Rafał Bazela, prof. WITU

dr hab. inż. Andrzej Biessikirski, prof. AGH

prof. dr hab. inż. Jolanta Biegańska (AGH)

dr hab. inż. Daniel Buczkowski (Łukasiewicz – IPO)

prof. dr hab. Stanisław Cudziło (WAT)

dr hab. inż. Tomasz Gołofit, prof. PW

dr hab. inż. Tomasz Jarosz (PŚl)

dr hab. inż. Jan Kindracki, prof. PW

dr inż. Bartłomiej Kramarczyk (NITROERG)

bryg. dr hab. inż. Bożena Kukfisz, prof. SGSP

dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Leciejewski, prof. WAT

prof. dr inż. Ján Lokaj (Slovak University of Technology)

dr hab. inż. Paweł Maksimowski, prof. PW

prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Maranda (Łukasiewicz – IPO) – przewodniczący

dr hab. inż. Piotr Mertuszka (KGHM CUPRUM, Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowe)

prof. Blažej Pandula (Technical University of Košice),

dr hab. inż. Lech Starczewski, prof. WITPiS

dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Stolarczyk, prof. PŚl

dr inż. Muhamed Suceska (Brodarski Institut)

dr inż. Mateusz Szala (WAT)

dr hab. inż. Waldemar Tomaszewski, prof. PW

prof. dr hab. inż. Waldemar A. Trzciński (WAT)

dr inż. Roman Zakusylo, prof. SSU (Shostka Institute of Sumy State University)

prof. dr hab. Svatopluk Zeman (University of Pardubice)


Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry
ul. Annopol 6, 03 – 236 Warszawa

Tomasz Sałaciński, PhD, tel. 22 88 41 325
Agnieszka Lewandowska, MSc, tel. 22 88 41 241


Secretariat IPOEX 2025
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz –
Instytut Przemysłu Organicznego
ul. Annopol 6, 03-236 WARSZAWA


Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry would like to invite you to the XX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IPOEX 2025
“Explosives: Research – Application – Safety”The IPOEX Conference has been organised by the Institute since 2004 and is an excellent forum for the exchange of information, where the results of research work and technological solutions related to the problems of manufacturing, using and storing explosives are presented. Conference topics include the chemistry and technology of explosives production, the use of explosives in underground and open-cast mining, blasting technology and blasting safety.

Join us


Monday, June 16, 2025

12:00-14:00 Registration of participants
14:00-15:30 Lunch
15:30-15:40 Welcome of participants and conference opening

First Session

15:40-17:20 Lectures
17:20-17:40 Discussion
19:00 Dinner party

Tuesday, June 17, 2025

8:30-9:30 Breakfast

Second Session

9:30-10:45 Lectures
10:45-11:00 Discussion
11:00-11:15 Coffee break

Third Session

11:15-13:15 Lectures
13:15-13:30 Discussion
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Meeting with representatives
of science and industry to discuss opportunities for cooperation in project consortia

Fourth Session

15:30-16:30 Poster Session
16:30-16:45 Coffee break

Fifth Session

16:45-17:45 Lectures
17:45-18:00 Discussion
19:00 Bonfire social meeting

Wednesday, June 18, 2025

8:30-9:30 Breakfast

Sixth Session

9:30-12:00 Lectures
10:15-10:30 Coffee break
12:00-12:15 Discussion
12:15-12:30 Conference closeing

12:30-14:00 Lunch

Information on the preparation of articles and abstracts

Please send abstracts in Polish or English by e-mail to: or by post on electronic media (CD, DVD) together with one hard copy to the secretariat. Please send illustrations, the quality of which requires, in separate files. Preferred format of image files – jpg.

Guidelines for preparing abstracts
  • The abstract in Polish or English should not be longer than one A4 page (1800 characters).
  • Text files should be saved in MS WORD format with a doc or rtf extension.
  • Times New Roman 12 p font, spacing 1.5 lines, margins L/P – 3 cm, G/D – 2.5 cm.
  • Title of work in bold, in Polish and English language.
  • The author’s name in bold should be included under the title.
  • The address of the institution the author represents should be given centred under the name.
  • Key words, in Polish and English, should be placed below the abstract, in italics.

Specimen summary

  • Deadline for submissions and abstracts of proposed papers until 18 April 2025 
Information on the preparation of posters

The size of the poster should be no larger than 80 cm x 90 cm. It is advisable that the size of the letters is not smaller than 7 mm. The posters will be fixed to the boards.


Important dates

18.04.2025 r. – Deadline for submitting applications and abstracts of proposed works
25.04.2025 r. – Qualification of works
23.05.2025 r. – Payment of conference fee

Conference fee

Full participation cost:
single room –  2706,00 PLN ( 2200 PLN/net)

double room – 2214,00 PLN ( 1800 PLN/net)

The fee for an accompanying person includes accommodation and meals and is as follows: 1230 PLN (1000 PLN/net)

The cost includes:

  • participation in the conference, conference materials;
  • accommodation;
  • meals including coffee breaks;
  • participation in accompanying events.

Accommodation for Participants has been booked at the Hotel „DIAMENT”.
We would also like to inform you that parking is included in the conference price on the following days: 16-18.06.2025 r.

In case of withdrawal from participation in the conference less than 7 days before its commencement, the organiser will not refund the fee.

The conference fee must be transferred to the account no later than 23.05.2025 r.:

Account holder: Research Network Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry
6 Annopol St., 03-236 Warsaw, POLAND
VAT No: PL5250008577
Bank Name: PEKAO SA Warsaw
Account No: PL 84 1240 6074 1111 0000 49 89 1458

with the note “IPOEX 2025
Participant’s Name and Surname


The completed form should be sent by email to: or by fax to: +48 22 811 07 99
by 18.04.2025.

Application form – IPOEX 2025 EXPLOSIVES


We would like to inform you that there is an opportunity to present your company during the IPOEX 2025 conference:

Package I * (stand + presentation + advertisement):

* Beneficiaries of the package obtain the status of Conference Partner

– possibility of setting up a small stand (self-build),

– company presentation of up to 15 minutes during the conference,

– 1-page A5 colour ad in conference materials,

– company logo on poster + information on conference website.

Cost of PLN 4,000 net

Package II (‘advertisement’)

– 1-page A5 colour ad in conference materials

Costs of PLN 1,200 net

Package III (leaflets)

– distribution of company leaflets

Cost of PLN 500 net

We also do not exclude other forms of promotion, any other suggestions from your side will be considered by the conference organiser.

how to get there?

Hotel Diament
Ul. Zdrojowa 3, 43-450 Ustroń, Polska

GPS: N 49°43’06” E 18°49’35”

Honorary Patronage

Conference Partner

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