What’s new? News NEWS EVENTS PEOPLE EventsEvents11 Jun 20243 minScience workshops for children as part of the program "Social Responsibility of Science."The science workshop is now behind us. Thank you to everyone who supported the organisation of our event with their work and help. See our coverage! EventsEvents05 Jun 20243 minIPOEX2024 - Innovation and Cooperation in the Explosives IndustryFrom May 27 to 29, 2024, we had the pleasure of organizing the IPOEX conference for the nineteenth time, which brought together 120 experts from the explosives and defence industries. This event was an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge, make new contacts and learn about the latest trends and innovations. EventsEvents15 May 20243 minSETAC Europe 34th Annual MeetingThe SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, held from May 5 to 9, brought together over 3,000 scientists from various fields, including biologists, chemists, and biotechnologists, as well as representatives from business and government sectors. They presented the latest research, exchanged ideas, and discussed challenges related to the protection of the natural environment. We couldn't miss such an event! EventsEvents19 Apr 20243 minŁukasiewicz – IPO at the Sustainable Development in the Field of Cosmetics and Detergents ConferenceOn April 12, 2024, we had the pleasure of participating in the National Scientific Conference on Sustainable Development in the Field of Cosmetics and Detergents, where, together with the Department of Chemistry and Organic Technology at the Cracow University of Technology, we discussed the current trend of skin microbiome care in cosmetic products. We presented the impact of manufacturing and storage conditions on the viability of probiotic bacteria and the health benefits of using probiotics in cosmetics. EventsEvents22 Mar 20243 minScience FestivalThe Science Festival was held at the XXXV Boleslaw Prus High School with Bilingual Branches on March 14-15, 2024. The event brought together students, teachers and invited speakers from various fields of science and technology from the University of Warsaw, PASCO, OEIiZK, Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology, Leon Kozminski Academy, Okiem Etnologa - Witold Dynowski Ethnographic Workshop Association, 12 modal-check poup rekrutacyjny Demo Description [ninja_form id=17] Dismiss ad Dismiss ad This will close in 0 seconds modal-check Wyszukiwarka Search for:Search Dismiss ad Dismiss ad This will close in 0 seconds