What’s new? News NEWS EVENTS PEOPLE EventsEvents16 Dec 20244 minWith care of health and the environment. Łukasiewicz Gardens of Experiments – IPOSee our report from the Silesian Science Festival and immerse yourself in the world of scientific discoveries that inspired thousands of visitors! See how we aroused the curiosity of both younger and older participants. EventsEvents22 Nov 20243 min8th Silesian Science Festival in Katowice!During the event, we aim to expand your knowledge about organisms significant from the perspective of ecotoxicology. We will showcase sample breeding specimens of beneficial arthropods. EventsEvents13 Nov 20244 minŁukasiewicz-IPO at the 1st International Armaments CongressOn October 21-25, our employees had the pleasure of participating in the 1st International Armaments Congress, organized by the Military Institute of Armaments Technology in cooperation with the Military University of Technology. EventsEvents22 Oct 20243 minXXIII Scientific and Technical Conference "KONTRA 2024"On October 9-11, 2024, the XXIII Scientific and Technical Conference "KONTRA 2024" devoted to the durability of buildings and protection of structures against corrosion was held EventsEvents19 Sep 20243 min58th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology EUROTOX 2024Our scientists participated in , one of the most important events in the world of toxicology, held from September 8th to 11th in CopenhagenEventsEvents13 Sep 20243 minŁukasiewicz – IPO at the Kosmotrend ConferenceCan participation in scientific conferences have a real impact on the development of innovations in the cosmetics industry? EventsEvents11 Sep 20243 minInternational Defence Industry Exhibition - MSPO 2024W dniach 3-6 września uczestniczyliśmy w XXXII Międzynarodowym Salonie Przemysłu Obronnego MSPO w Kielcach, w silnym składzie, bo aż 10 instytutów repetowaliśmy Sieć Badawczą Łukasiewicz. EventsEvents17 Jul 20243 minLukasiewicz – IPO at the 64th meeting of the ECOSOC Subcommittee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods!We are proud to announce that the representative of the Łukasiewicz – Institute of Organic Industry, Grzegorz Ołowski, took part in the 64th meeting of the ECOSOC Subcommittee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, which took place on 24.06-3.07.2024 in Geneva! EventsEvents07 Jul 20243 min47th International Pyrotechnic Society SeminarOn July 14-18, 2024, we had the pleasure of participating in the 47th International Pyrotechnic Society Seminar, which took place in Albuquerque, USA. EventsEvents25 Jun 20243 minScience shows for primary school studentsOn June 20, students from grades 7-8 of Primary School No. 5 in Ząbki, attending the chemistry club, took part in fascinating science shows. 12 modal-check poup rekrutacyjny Demo Description [ninja_form id=17] Dismiss ad Dismiss ad This will close in 0 seconds modal-check Wyszukiwarka Search for:Search Dismiss ad Dismiss ad This will close in 0 seconds